Wohngeld - Informationen in englisch
Second Heating Cost Subsidy
Housing benefit recipients get a further heating allowance in response to rapidly rising energy prices.
The requirement for heating cost subsidy recipients ist hat they received housing benefit for at least one month between September and December 2022. The heating cost subsidy is graded according to the size of the household:
- for one person 415 euros
- for two people 540 euros
- for each additional person 100 euros.
In North Rhine Westfalia the lump sum is expected to be paid out at the end of January. All those entitled will receive the heating cost subsidy automatically, so a separate application will not be necessary.
Housing Benefit Reform 2023
The housing benefit reform will come into force at the 1st of January 2023. Owing to this reform the number of people entitled to housing benefit will increase considerably.
Unfortunately housing benefit recipients will have to wait for their claims to be processed due to an expected rush of applications, because local autorities will have to manage this large number with the existing staff. Citizens will not lose their claim, because housing benefit is calculated retrospectively from receipt of the application.
From mid-Dezember onwards you can estimate how much housing benefit you will receive by filling out a housing benefit calculator
, then you can submit your application.